Source code for manwe.resources

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Manwë resources.

.. moduleauthor:: Martijn Vermaat <>

.. Licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file.

import collections
import time

import werkzeug.datastructures
import werkzeug.http

from .errors import TaskError, UnsatisfiableRangeError
from .fields import (Blob, Boolean, DateTime, Custom, Field, Integer, Link,
                     Queries, Set, String)

# This mirrors `varda.models.USER_ROLES`.
    'admin',         # Can do anything.
    'importer',      # Can import samples.
    'annotator',     # Can annotate variants.
    'trader',        # Can annotate variants if they are in an active sample.
    'querier',       # Can use any query expression when annotating.
    'group-querier'  # Can use group query expressions when annotating.

[docs]class classproperty(object): """ Decorator for defining computed class attributes, dual to the `property` built-in complementary to the `classmethod` built-in. Example usage:: >>> class Foo(object): ... x= 4 ... @classproperty ... def number(cls): ... return cls.x ... >>> Foo().number 4 >>> Foo.number 4 Copied from `bobince <>`_. """ def __init__(self, getter): self.getter = getter def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self.getter(owner)
class ResourceMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, parents, attributes): """ Create a new class with field getters and setters. Similar to `how Django model fields work <>`, this sets up getters and setters on resource classes. The field values are stored in the `_values` instance attribute. """ fields = set() # Inherit all fields from parent classes. fields.update(*[parent._fields for parent in parents if isinstance(parent, ResourceMeta)]) for name_, attribute in attributes.items(): if not isinstance(attribute, Field): continue # Remove field definition. del attributes[name_] # Store the name under which the field is available on the class # in the field itself. = name_ fields.add(attribute) # Hidden field definitions are useful for resource creation # arguments which are not available in the resulting resource's # representation. if attribute.hidden: continue # Add field getter (and setter). if attribute.mutable: attributes[name_] = property(cls._getter(attribute), cls._setter(attribute), doc=attribute.doc) else: attributes[name_] = property(cls._getter(attribute), doc=attribute.doc) attributes['_fields'] = fields return super(ResourceMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, attributes) @staticmethod def _getter(field): def getter_for_field(self): return field.to_python(self._values.get(, self) return getter_for_field @staticmethod def _setter(field): def setter_for_field(self, value): # TODO: validation? self._dirty.add( self._values[] = field.from_python(value) return setter_for_field
[docs]class Resource(object): """ Base class for representing server resources. Resource fields are defined as class attributes by :mod:`Field` instances. """ __metaclass__ = ResourceMeta # Todo: Use embedded resources to avoid many separate requests. # Key for this resource type is used in API response objects as index for # the resource definition and with the ``_collection`` suffix as index in # `Session.endpoints` for the URI to this resources' collection which is # the endpoint for listing and creating resources. # We can build all this on a single value in `key` because the server API # is consistent in using conventions for naming things. #: Key for this resource type. key = None #: Resource URI. uri = String()
[docs] def __init__(self, session, values): """ Create a representation for a server resource from a dictionary. :arg session: Manwë session. :type session: :class:`.Session` :arg values: Dictionary with field values (using API keys and values). :type values: dict """ #: The session this resource is attached to as #: :class:`.Session <Session>`. self.session = session #: Initialize fields with default values. self._values = { field.default for field in self._fields} # Names of fields that are dirty. self._dirty = set() # Load field values from parsed response JSON. self._load_values(values)
[docs] def create(cls, session, values=None, files=None): """ Create a new resource on the server and return a representation for it. :arg session: Manwë session. :type session: :class:`.Session` :arg values: Dictionary with field values (using Python names and values). :type values: dict :arg files: Open file objects. :type files: dict(str, file-like object) Every subclass should override this with an informative docstring. """ values = values or {} data = {field.key: field.from_python(values[]) for field in cls._fields if in values} kwargs = {'data': data} if files: kwargs.update(files=files) response =[cls.key + '_collection'], **kwargs) return getattr(session, cls.key)(response.headers['Location'])
def _load_values(self, values, skip_dirty=False): """ Load field values. :arg dict values: Dictionary with field values (using API keys and values). """ for field in self._fields: if field.key not in values: continue if skip_dirty and in self._dirty: continue self._values.update({ values[field.key]}) self._dirty.discard( def __repr__(self): if self._values: values = ' ' + ' '.join('%s=%r' % x for x in self._values.items()) else: values = '' return '<%s%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, values) def __str__(self): return self.uri def __hash__(self): return hash(self.uri) def __eq__(self, other): return self.uri and other.uri and self.uri == other.uri @property def dirty(self): """ `True` if there are any unsaved changes on this resource, `False` otherwise. """ return bool(self._dirty)
[docs] def refresh(self, skip_dirty=False): """ Refresh resource with data from the server. :arg bool skip_dirty: If `True`, don't refresh field values with unsaved changes. """ response = self.session.get(self.uri) self._load_values(response.json()[self.key], skip_dirty=skip_dirty)
[docs] def save(self): """ Send any unsaved changes on this resource to the server and refresh with data from the server. """ if self.dirty: data = {field.key: getattr(self, for field in self._fields if in self._dirty} response = self.session.patch(self.uri, data=data) self._load_values(response.json()[self.key]) else: self.refresh()
[docs] def save_fields(self, **values): """ Send field values specified by keyword arguments to the server and refresh with data from the server (skipping dirty field values). Keyword arguments use Python names and values. """ data = {field.key: field.from_python(values[]) for field in self._fields if in values} response = self.session.patch(self.uri, data=data) self._load_values(response.json()[self.key], skip_dirty=True)
[docs]class Task(object): """ Represents a server task. Instances are equiped with the parent resource which they use to query task state. This means refreshing the parent resource is directly visible on the task. """ def __init__(self, resource): self.resource = resource # We use `_state` in `to_api`. self._state = None @classmethod def from_api(cls, value, resource): if value is None: return None # Task state is queried directly from the parent resource, so we can # discard the value that is passed here. return cls(resource) @classmethod def to_api(cls, task): if task is None: return None return {'state': task._state} @property def _task(self): return self.resource._values['task'] @property def state(self): """ Task state. Possible values are ``waiting``, ``running``, ``succes``, and ``failure``. """ return self._task['state'] @property def waiting(self): """ Whether or not task is in waiting state. """ return self.state == 'waiting' @property def running(self): """ Whether or not task is in running state. If `True`, :attr:`progress` is set. """ return self.state == 'running' @property def success(self): """ Whether or not task is in success state. """ return self.state == 'success' @property def failure(self): """ Whether or not task is in failure state. If `True`, :attr:`error` is set. """ return self.state == 'failure' @property def error(self): """ The error object as a :class:`.TaskError` if :attr:`state` is ``failure``, `None` otherwise. """ if not self.failure: return None error = self._task['error'] return TaskError(error['code'], error['message']) @property def progress(self): """ Task progress in the range `0` to `100` if :attr:`state` is ``running``, `None` otherwise. """ return self._task.get('progress')
[docs] def wait_and_monitor(self): """ Iterator, yielding :attr:`progress` while :attr:`state` is ``waiting`` or ``running``, polling the server every :attr:`~manwe.default_config.TASK_POLL_WAIT` seconds. After that, yield `100`, or raise :attr:`error` if :attr:`state` is ``failure``. """ wait_time = self.resource.session.config.TASK_POLL_WAIT last_poll = time.time() while self.waiting or self.running: yield self.progress # Some time might have been spent before the next yield is asked # for, so instead of sleeping for `wait_time`, we sleep for the # part of `wait_time` that is still left. time.sleep(max(0, wait_time - (time.time() - last_poll))) self.resource.refresh(skip_dirty=True) last_poll = time.time() if self.success: yield 100 elif self.failure: raise self.error
[docs] def wait(self): """ Block while :attr:`state` is ``waiting`` or ``running``, polling the server every :attr:`~manwe.default_config.TASK_POLL_WAIT` seconds. """ for _ in self.wait_and_monitor(): pass
[docs] def resubmit(self): """ Resubmit task. """ self._state = 'submitted' try: self.resource.save_fields(task=self) finally: self._state = None
[docs]class TaskedResource(Resource): """ Base class for representing server resources with tasks. """ task = Custom( Task.from_api, Task.to_api, doc='Server task (:class:`Task` instance).')
[docs]class ResourceCollection(object): """ Base class for representing server resource collections, iterators returning :class:`Resource` instances. Collection filters are defined as class attributes by :mod:`Field` instances (and must not be mutable). """ __metaclass__ = ResourceMeta #: Resource class to use for instantiating resources in this collection. resource_class = None
[docs] def __init__(self, session, values=None): """ Create a representation for a server resource collection. :arg session: Manwë session. :type session: :class:`.Session` :arg values: Dictionary with field values (using Python names and values). :type values: dict Every subclass should override this with an informative docstring. """ values = values or {} #: The session this resource collection is attached to as #: :class:`.Session <Session>`. self.session = session #: The total number of resources in this collection as last reported #: by the server. Note that the actual number of resources produced by #: the collection iterator might deviate from this number, and this is #: why there is not `__len__` property defined. self.size = 0 # API values, not Python values. self._values = { field.from_python(values[]) if in values else field.default for field in self._fields} # This is not used. self._dirty = set() # Cached collection of resources. self._resources = collections.deque() # Start from the beginning. self.reset()
@classproperty def key(cls): """ Key for this resource type. """ return cls.resource_class.key
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset resource collection iterator. """ self._next = 0 self._resources.clear() self._get_resources()
def __repr__(self): if self._values: values = ' ' + ' '.join('%s=%r' % x for x in self._values.items()) else: values = '' return '<%s%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, values) def __iter__(self): return self @property def cache_size(self): """ Number of resources to query per collection request. """ return self.session.config.COLLECTION_CACHE_SIZE def _get_resources(self): if self._next is None: return range_ = werkzeug.datastructures.Range( 'items', [(self._next, self._next + self.cache_size)]) try: response = self.session.get( uri=self.session.endpoints[self.key + '_collection'], data={field: value for field, value in self._values.items() if value is not None}, headers={'Range': range_.to_header()}) except UnsatisfiableRangeError: # Todo: If we'd store the response object in the error object, we # could check for the Content-Range header and if it's present # use it to set `self.size`. self.size = 0 self._next = None return self._resources.extend( self.resource_class(self.session, resource) for resource in response.json()[self.key + '_collection']['items']) content_range = werkzeug.http.parse_content_range_header( response.headers['Content-Range']) self.size = content_range.length if content_range.stop < content_range.length: self._next += self.cache_size else: self._next = None
[docs] def next(self): """ Return the next resource in the collection. """ if not self._resources: self._get_resources() try: return self._resources.popleft() except IndexError: raise StopIteration() # Python 3 compatibility.
__next__ = next
[docs]class Annotation(TaskedResource): """ Class for representing an annotation resource. """ key = 'annotation' original_data_source = Link( 'data_source', doc='Original data source (:class:`DataSource` instance).') annotated_data_source = Link( 'data_source', doc='Annotated data source (:class:`DataSource` instance).') # These hidden fields define arguments for create() which are not in the # resulting resource's representation. data_source = Link('data_source', hidden=True) name = String(hidden=True) queries = Queries(hidden=True) @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, data_source, name=None, queries=None): """ Create an annotation resource. :arg data_source: Data source to annotate. :type data_source: :class:`.DataSource` :arg name: Human readable annotation name. :type name: str :arg queries: Sample queries to calculate variant frequencies over. Keys are query identifiers (alphanumeric) and values are query expressions. :type queries: dict(str, str) :return: An annotation resource. :rtype: :class:`.Annotation` """ queries = queries or {} values = {'data_source': data_source, 'queries': queries} if name is not None: values.update(name=name) return super(Annotation, cls).create(session, values=values)
[docs]class AnnotationCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing an annotation resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`Annotation` instances. """ resource_class = Annotation
[docs] def __init__(self, session): """ Query an annotation resource collection. :return: An annotation resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.AnnotationCollection` """ super(AnnotationCollection, self).__init__(session)
[docs]class Coverage(TaskedResource): """ Class for representing a coverage resource. """ key = 'coverage' sample = Link('sample', doc='Coverage is part of this :class:`Sample`.') data_source = Link('data_source', doc='Coverage data (:class:`DataSource` instance).') @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, sample, data_source): """ Create a coverage resource. :arg sample: Sample the coverage resource is part of. :type sample: :class:`.Sample` :arg data_source: Data source for the coverage resource. :type data_source: :class:`.DataSource` :return: A coverage resource. :rtype: :class:`.Coverage` """ values = {'sample': sample, 'data_source': data_source} return super(Coverage, cls).create(session, values=values)
[docs]class CoverageCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing a coverage resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`Coverage` instances. """ resource_class = Coverage sample = Link('sample', doc='Collection is filtered by this :class:`Sample`.')
[docs] def __init__(self, session, sample=None): """ Query a coverage resource collection. :arg sample: Filter collection by sample. :type sample: :class:`.Sample` :return: A coverage resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.CoverageCollection` """ values = {'sample': sample} super(CoverageCollection, self).__init__(session, values=values)
[docs]class DataSource(Resource): """ Class for representing a data source resource. """ key = 'data_source' name = String(mutable=True, doc='Human readable data source name.') user = Link('user', doc='Data source is owned by this :class:`User`.') data = Blob(doc='Iterator yielding data as chunks.') filetype = String(doc='Data filetype.') # TODO: field type? gzipped = Boolean(doc='If `True`, `data` is compressed using gzip.') added = DateTime(doc='Date and time this data source was added.') @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, name, filetype, gzipped=False, data=None, local_file=None): """ Create a data source resource. :arg str name: Human readable data source name. :arg str filetype: Data filetype. Possible values are ``bed``, ``vcf``, and ``csv``. :arg bool gzipped: Whether or not the data is compressed using gzip. :arg data: Data blob. :type data: file-like object :arg str local_file: A filename on the server filesystem. This can be used instead of `data`. :return: A data source resource. :rtype: :class:`.DataSource` """ values = {'name': name, 'filetype': filetype, 'gzipped': gzipped} if local_file: values.update(local_file=local_file) if data is None: files = None else: files = {'data': data} return super(DataSource, cls).create(session, values=values, files=files)
[docs]class DataSourceCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing a data source resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`DataSource` instances. """ resource_class = DataSource user = Link('user', doc='Collection is filtered by this :class:`User`.')
[docs] def __init__(self, session, user=None): """ Query a data source resource collection. :arg user: Filter collection by user. :type user: :class:`.User` :return: A data source resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.DataSourceCollection` """ values = {'user': user} super(DataSourceCollection, self).__init__(session, values=values)
[docs]class Group(Resource): """ Class for representing a group resource. """ key = 'group' name = String(mutable=True, doc='Human readable group name.') @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, name): """ Create a group resource. :arg str name: Human readable group name. :return: A group resource. :rtype: :class:`.Group` """ values = {'name': name} return super(Group, cls).create(session, values=values)
[docs]class GroupCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing a group resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`Group` instances. """ resource_class = Group
[docs] def __init__(self, session): """ Query a group resource collection. :return: A group resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.GroupCollection` """ super(GroupCollection, self).__init__(session)
[docs]class Sample(Resource): """ Class for representing a sample resource. """ key = 'sample' user = Link('user', doc='Sample is owned by this :class:`User`.') name = String(mutable=True, doc='Human readable sample name.') pool_size = Integer(mutable=True, doc='Number of individuals.') coverage_profile = Boolean( mutable=True, doc='If `True`, the sample has a coverage profile.') public = Boolean(mutable=True, doc='If `True`, the sample is public.') notes = String(mutable=True, doc='Human readable notes in Markdown format.') groups = Set( Link('group'), mutable=True, doc='Sample is part of these groups (:class:`Group` instances).') active = Boolean(mutable=True, doc='If `True`, the sample is active.') added = DateTime(doc='Date and time this sample was added.') @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, name, pool_size=1, coverage_profile=True, public=False, notes=None, groups=None): """ Create a sample resource. :arg str name: Human readable sample name. :arg int pool_size: Number of individuals in the sample. :arg bool coverage_profile: Whether or not the sample has a coverage profile. :arg bool public: Whether or not this sample is public. :arg str notes: Human readable notes in Markdown format. :arg groups: Groups this sample is part of. :type groups: iterable(:class:`.DataSource`) :return: A sample resource. :rtype: :class:`.Sample` """ groups = groups or [] values = {'name': name, 'pool_size': pool_size, 'coverage_profile': coverage_profile, 'public': public, 'groups': groups} if notes is not None: values.update(notes=notes) return super(Sample, cls).create(session, values=values)
[docs]class SampleCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing a sample resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`Sample` instances. """ resource_class = Sample groups = Set(Link('group'), doc='Collection is filtered by these groups' ' (:class:`Group` instances).') public = Boolean(doc='Collection is filtered by this public state.') user = Link('user', doc='Collection is filtered by this :class:`User`.')
[docs] def __init__(self, session, groups=None, public=None, user=None): """ Query a sample resource collection. :arg groups: Filter collection by groups. :type groups: iterable(:class:`.DataSource`) :arg public: Filter collection by public/non-public. :type public: bool :arg user: Filter collection by user. :type user: :class:`.User` :return: A sample resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.SampleCollection` """ values = {'groups': groups, 'public': public, 'user': user} super(SampleCollection, self).__init__(session, values=values)
[docs]class User(Resource): """ Class for representing a user resource. """ key = 'user' # Todo: Should password be an ordinary field (with initial None) value # like it is now? Or should we modify it through some change_password # method? login = String(doc='Login name.') password = String(mutable=True, doc='Password used for authentication.') name = String(mutable=True, doc='Human readable user name.') email = String(mutable=True, doc='Email address.') roles = Set(String(), mutable=True, doc='Roles for this user.') added = DateTime(doc='Date and time this user was added.') @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, login, password, name=None, email=None, roles=None): """ Create a user resource. :arg str login: Login name used for authentication. :arg str password: Password used for authentication. :arg str name: Human readable user name. :arg str email: User e-mail address. :arg roles: Roles for this user (values must be from :data:`.USER_ROLES`). :type roles: iterable(str) :return: A user resource. :rtype: :class:`.User` """ roles = roles or [] values = {'login': login, 'password': password, 'name': name or login, 'roles': roles} if email is not None: values.update(email=email) return super(User, cls).create(session, values=values)
[docs]class UserCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing a user resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`User` instances. """ resource_class = User
[docs] def __init__(self, session): """ Query a user resource collection. :return: A user resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.UserCollection` """ super(UserCollection, self).__init__(session)
[docs]class Variant(Resource): """ Class for representing a variant resource. """ key = 'variant' chromosome = String(doc='Chromosome name.') position = Integer(doc='Position of variant on `chromosome`.') reference = String(doc='Reference allele.') observed = String(doc='Observed allele.') @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, chromosome, position, reference='', observed=''): """ Create a variant resource. :arg str chromosome: Chromosome name. :arg int position: Position of variant on `chromosome`. :arg str reference: Reference allele. :arg str observed: Observed allele. :return: A variant resource. :rtype: :class:`.Variant` """ values = {'chromosome': chromosome, 'position': position, 'reference': reference, 'observed': observed} return super(Variant, cls).create(session, values=values)
[docs] def annotate(self, queries=None): """ Annotate this variant with the observed frequencies over sets of samples :arg queries: Sample queries to calculate variant frequencies over. Keys are query identifiers (alphanumeric) and values are query expressions. :type queries: dict(str, str) :return: Variant observation frequencies. Keys are query identifiers and values are dictionaries with `coverage`, `frequency`, `frequency_het`, and `frequency_hom`. :rtype: dict(str, dict) """ queries = queries or {} variant = self.session.get( uri=self.uri, data={'queries': [{'name': k, 'expression': v} for k, v in queries.items()]}).json()['variant'] return variant['annotations']
[docs]class VariantCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing a variant resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`Variant` instances. """ resource_class = Variant
[docs] def __init__(self, session): """ Query a variant resource collection. :return: A variant resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.VariantCollection` """ super(VariantCollection, self).__init__(session)
[docs]class Variation(TaskedResource): """ Class for representing a variation resource. """ key = 'variation' sample = Link('sample', doc='Variation is part of this :class:`Sample`.') data_source = Link('data_source', doc='Variation data (:class:`DataSource` instance).') @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, session, sample, data_source, skip_filtered=True, use_genotypes=True, prefer_genotype_likelihoods=False): """ Create a variation resource. :arg sample: Sample the variation resource is part of. :type sample: :class:`.Sample` :arg data_source: Data source for the variation resource. :type data_source: :class:`.DataSource` :arg bool skip_filtered: Discard entries in `data_source` marked as filtered. :arg bool use_genotypes: Use per-sample genotype information from `data_source`. :arg bool prefer_genotype_likelihoods: Prefer using genotype likelihoods from `data_source` instead of concrete genotypes. :return: A variation resource. :rtype: :class:`.Variation` """ values = {'sample': sample, 'data_source': data_source, 'skip_filtered': skip_filtered, 'use_genotypes': use_genotypes, 'prefer_genotype_likelihoods': prefer_genotype_likelihoods} return super(Variation, cls).create(session, values=values)
[docs]class VariationCollection(ResourceCollection): """ Class for representing a variation resource collection as an iterator returning :class:`Variation` instances. """ resource_class = Variation sample = Link('sample', doc='Collection is filtered by this :class:`Sample`.')
[docs] def __init__(self, session, sample=None): """ Query a variation resource collection. :arg sample: Filter collection by sample. :type sample: :class:`.Sample` :return: A variation resource collection. :rtype: :class:`.VariationCollection` """ values = {'sample': sample} super(VariationCollection, self).__init__(session, values=values)